A simple explanation of JavaScript engine for beginners.
Javascript Engine
When we write a piece of code in a JavaScript file and then we give this file to our computer, it doesn’t really know what to do with it.
The computer only understands binary code at the end of the day.
JavaScript is always hosted in some environment and that is most typically a browser such a Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari. So what happens is that the host where JavaScript is hosted has some kind of JavaScript engine that takes our code and executes it.
That’s why JavaScript (JS) engine is so important. A JavaScript engine is a computer language that executes JS code.
You can think of a JS engine as a translator who understands JavaScript and translates it into machine language enabling the computer and the browser to understand what the code we have written means.
Anytime we use an engine, we are able to give it a JavaScript file and this file gets understood by the engine which allows this engine to communicate and tell the computer to do what we asked it to do with our code.
There are several JavaScript engines. The first JavaScript engine was created by Brendan Eich in 1995 for the Netscape Navigator. This evolved into the SpiderMonkey engine, still used nowadays by the Firefox browser. Other notable engines are Chakra, the JavaScript engine of the Internet Explorer browser and JavaScriptCore as well as, Apple’s engine for its Safari browser.
V8 is the first modern JavaScript engine created by Google.
The V8 engine is the most popular and someone says the fastest JavaScript engine.
Before the creation of V8 most browsers used very simple engines and because of this JavaScript was slow. When Google decided to create its browser, there was a need for JavaScript to work as fast as possible on the server’s browser or on any type of computer.
On the 2nd of September 2008, the first version of the V8 engine was released at the same time as the first version of Chrome.
OK cool… but what is inside this magic engine that understands JavaScript and allows the computer to read our code?
If you really want to know how a JavaScript engine works, you need to have clear two important concepts: interpreter and compiler.
An interpreter is a computer program that immediately executes instructions written in a programming language. It translates and read the files line by line on the fly without the need to previously compile the file into a machine language program.
A compiler is also a computer program that transforms a programming language into a language a computer can understand, but it doesn’t translate on the fly. It first tries to understand what we want to do, and it changes all our code into something else called a lower-level language (such as machine language) so that the computer can understand.
Both compiler and interpreters do the same job which is converting higher-level programming language to machine code, but as we saw they work differently and they have their own pros and cons.
Interpreters are quick to start running because we don’t have to convert our file into another language as we do with a compiler. There’s no compilation step before you can start running your code. It is translated into machine code and executed line by line right away. On the other hand, the compiler has an extra step incurred and every time you want to run the application, the code needs to be compiled.
Even if interpreters are quick to start running, their big problem is that when you’re running the same code more than once, for example in a loop, the compiler will run this piece of code over and over and it can get really slow.
The compiler helps us in this sense. Even if it takes a little more time to start running, our compiler will simplify our code and instead of running our loop over and over, it will generate a code that it is faster to be understood by our machine. These kinds of edits that the compiler does are called optimizations.
To summarize the interpreter is quick to get up and start running but doesn’t produce optimizations. The compiler is slower to start but the code is going to eventually run faster.
So… which one is better? Well, there is a way to get the best of both worlds and instead of using the compiler or interpreter you can combine these two and use something called just-in-time compilation, also known as JIT compilation.
All the modern engines use JIT compilation for improved performance.
So let’s go back to our engine and really understand what is actually happening inside of it. There are small differences in different engines but let’s see how V8 engine does this.
V8 engine
- The first thing that happens inside the engine is that our code is parsed by a parser, which basically reads our code line by line and checks if the syntax of the code that we gave it is correct. During this lexical analysis, it breaks the code into something called tokens to identify their meaning.
- If everything is correct, then the parser takes these tokens to produce a data structure known as the Abstract Syntax Tree. This enables the engine to understand how things are structured in our code.
- The code is then initially sent to our interpreter (the V8 interpreter is called ignition) that takes this Abstract Syntax Tree to create Bytecode.
- Bytecode is an abstraction of machine code. It is not as low level as machine code but it is code that is able to be interpreted by the JavaScript engine.
- In the meanwhile, the profiler tries to understand how we can pass some of this Bytecode to the compiler to optimize it.
- Parts of codes that can be optimized are sent to a compiler (the V8 compiler is called TurboFan).
- The compiler realizes optimizations, so our code runs faster and it then replaces these parts of codes with optimized machine code.
- So the interpreter allows us to run the code right away and the compiler and profiler allow us to optimize this code while it is running. This is the Just In Time Compilation.
You can probably write JavaScript code without knowing all this stuff and you will be fine anyway, but if you really understood how this engine works and how your code is executed, it will be easier to understand how to write better and cleaner code that can run faster.
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